On Losing Subscribers

Reach is less important than resonance.

Scott Monty


St. Peter’s Denial by Rembrandt, 1660 (public domain — Wikipedia)

I lost some newsletter subscribers this week.

Not in any kind of tragic accident or anything-that would be terrible.

No, I mean they unsubscribed when I sent my weekly newsletter.

It’s not like this is an abnormal event; they didn’t subscribe in any huge numbers to make me wonder what happened. It’s something that occurs every week after I hit that “publish” button.

And you know what? It really doesn’t bother me-for a couple of reasons.

The first reason can be explained with a simple formula:

Attraction > Attrition

That is, I can count on a net positive every week, as I attract more subscribers than I shed.

The second reason is I know there will always be people who don’t agree with me, or for whom my writing isn’t relevant. And that’s okay.

I’m an acquired taste. In a sea of fast food, I recognize that my offerings sometimes equate to more of something like a seven-course meal. There’s certainly more to digest, and it’s richer-that is, it makes people think. And not everyone wants or needs to be put to that kind of ordeal right now.

I can respect that.

I don’t look at my stats regularly; I’ve turned off email updates from my newsletter host. I keep writing because I’m writing for me (partially). But also because I know there are people who enjoy what I write.

But I don’t mind debate and disagreement either. In fact, I’m glad to hear from people who tell me I’m off base, because it helps me hone my thinking. I might push back, or I might sit with the criticism and rethink my position, and that helps me become a better writer.

It helps me fine-tune what I do the next time, and the time after that.

I guess what I’m saying is when I lose subscribers, I gain focus.

Originally published at https://www.scottmonty.com.



Scott Monty

Strategic communications & leadership advisor and speaker. I build better leaders, communicators & humans. #TimelessLeadership More: http://linktr.ee/scottmonty